Buddha In A Traffic Jam

Buddha in a Traffic Jam

Some movies are worth watching, not because they are acted, enacted and reacted upon. Instead such movies like Buddha in a Traffic Jam must be watched because of a well written script, well executed direction and well demonstrated screenplay, knitted in a well woven plot.

This is a movie about India & Bharat, which every socio political or pseudo intellectual can watch to understand the nexus of NGOs, The movie from Prologue till its epilogue changes a lot many colors keeping the entertainment quotient alive while keeping the actual question on top.A lot many questions come into being when you watch this movie. If the person is an active or dormant debate maker or debate shaker of Indian politics, one must watch this movie.
And worth mentioning is, at the end there is a beautifully sung song by Pallavi Joshi "Chand Roz"

A little tribute from my side to the movie

दल्लों का ज़माना है, दल्लों की बारात है 
क्यों जज़्ब कर के बैठे हैं 
यहाँ तो दिन में काली रात है 
हर जगह बिसात है 
मोहरों की औकात  है 

बेचते हैं खाली है 
भरा तो पाखण्ड है 
दूर है दराज़ है 
चीखती आवाज़ है 
दल्लों का ज़माना है 
दल्लों की बारात है 

रेंगती ज़मीन पर 
मरी पढ़ी सी ज़िन्दगी 
ज़ख्मों को चीरती 
मारती बरसात है 
क्यों दल्लों का ज़माना है 
क्यों दल्लों की बारात है  .......... 


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