Sperm Donor or a Father

Sperm Donor or a Father

In 40 mins my court hearing for divorce is going to start. Actually our marriage didnt worked out, so we decided to part our ways. And as usual i being the man, am alleged with harassment, dowry and domestic violence. I said as usual. because, these 3 basic cases are normally filed by a woman against man, else it seems incomplete and the bread and butter of an advocate gets affected.

Even amidst all this, i am the only happy person. Strange, isnt it. Yes, its strange, because i am finally going to see my daughter, who is now 4 years old and i am going to see her after 2 years. As i was not allowed to meet her. As she stays with my soon to be ex-wife.

 Reason of happiness is that court will allow me to meet my daughter every week for 4 hours on 2 different days. As a father i can spend more time with my princess. This is the only reason or motivation for fighting the case.

I am eagerly waiting for the judge. And from the right door of the court, enters my wife, with my daughter. I really want to go to my daughter, hug her and tell her how much i love her.
My wife sees me, obviously ignorantly and so do i, then i turn to my eyes to my daughter, and she says pointing towards me, Mama see there, kutta(dog). Yes, she pointed towards me and called me a dog as she was taught.
My body just shook and i grabbed the armrest of the chair and sat down quietly. It seems all of a sudden my sole motivation for my life has gone away and i am actually a criminal and just a sperm donor.

May be i should go away and let her grow up and have questions about me, which must be answered by myself in the years to come. God bless her.........................contd.....



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