
Showing posts from January, 2014


                                                LIFE OF PI-TATO I feel we Engineers are working in a market, And this market has taken a CORPORATE CULTURE shape of a typical Indian vegetable market these days, where i relate myself easily to the POTATOES. I think all the Engineers may be made analogous to the Potatoes. So, i am like another potato who wants to get transformed into an ONION or usually we call him a manager. But, becoming an Onion is not easy. One has to go through chopper like Performance Management systems and knife like certifications which may peel you off drastically. But like my other fellow potatoes, no matter what, i still want to become an Onion. So, after my hard work and diligent efforts outside my base location for...


                                      MALE PREJUDICE TO FEMALE POSTJUDICE We are in 2030, and, with the advent of iphone23, they have announced an app which can measure the feelings. Technically speaking, the feelings are finally being measured in a tangible manner."thanks to Engineers and scientists", they have finally invented a device which can measure the feelings as well.  In 2012 a law was passed for the women, and against the men, saying that any man who stalks a woman, shall be imprisoned.And now an amendment to that law is being made after the cries of MAHA (men are also human association), Now this app will measure the EI (eyesight intensity) & II (intention intensity). Anyone ohh sorry i mean AnyMAN crossing the intensity limit of 30 units, shall be imprisoned.For a normal man this ...