TRAVELLING GEARS FOR DELHI. O My God! Its Friday, 05:20 PM and i am in office. No No don't get me wrong, its not about Friday night party. Instead, its something more substantial and concerned with comfort. Actually, i need to catch a metro by 1715 else i will be in deep trouble.Almost all the offices call it a day at 1730. And if i by mistake co-incide with the same time. I wont even get the place to stand in a metro TRAIN. Yes i am serious and talking about a TRAIN. But believe me, i am in a city where it does makes sense. I am in Delhi or New Delhi, as they may call it. But to my horror i am already late. Finally i manage to cover 2 km to reach metro station in around 27 minutes because of the craziest traffic in the world. I may take the liberty to say that it is not a straight road of 2kms, rather, it is a straight Round about of 2 kms.where anyone can come from any side. Traffic rules!!!...they are just a myth here. At 1757, i press my feet on metro station a...