THREAT to the Nation - Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose ???
I will not refer to the 12744 declassified files here nor the political motives of Trinamool congress or Mamata Deedi. But i would certainly refer to one letter which i could lay my hands on:-
one of the declassified letter showing SECRET |
If you refer to this file there are 3 important things to be noted, which i have highlighted in yellow.
1st is the word SECRET,2nd is the Address written at the end, 3rd is the Section 26(1) of IPO Act,1898.
Now, as per the Section 26 (1) of Indian post office Act,1898
Source: (
"ARTICLE 26. Power to intercept postal articles for public good.- (1) On
the occurrence of any public emergency, or in the interest of the public
safety or tranquility, the [Central Government], or a [State
Government], or any officer specially authorised in this behalf [by the
Central or the [State Government] may, by order in writing, direct that
any postal article or class or description of postal articles in course of
transmission by post shall be intercepted or detained, or [shall be
disposed of in such manner as the authority issuing the order may
direct]" .............contd...
Now, the letters sent in 1949 to the ADDRESS mentioned here of Elgin Road Calcutta, (Bose`s family`s address in Calcutta) were being intercepted SECRETLY.
Now the question here arises, that the permission to SNOOP on the family of a freedom fighter, must have had come from the highest of level, as being said, by Mr.Nehru
And as per the article this interception could & should be done after any emergency situation arises.
Now, what was the emergency which could have arisen if Netaji was alive, why a freedom fighter of such a stature was being spied upon? Why he has to live as Gumnaami Baba? Was he a threat to the nation or a threat to the kingship of someone?
Apart from these questions, one primary question which i want to ask is, Did we really got the freedom in 1947, as was projected.
Why would any PM (who also happens to be the leading freedom fighter) snoop against or felt scared of another Freedom fighter. There are some BIG questions, which will remain un-answered now. And these questions are being un-folded without the answers, because some political parties want to reap the benefits of the political controversies which will arise.
BJP wants to defame Congress, TMC is preparing for next year`s elections and thus wants to be the first one in unfolding the papers, taking the first advantage and keeping CPI on backfoot.
All in all, we have proved as a nation, that we can still bake our breads on the pyre and death of freedom fighters, as we havent yet done anything good for the nation post our independence.
P.S:- There are some IDIOTS like the one below:- who thinks that India was liberated by a political party. (STOP bluffing and keep on Snooping).
Please check out Attlee's discussion with Bengal governor about the contribution of Gandhi in the independence of India