Man charged with Molestation, turns out to be a Mannequin

Molesting Mannequin

New Delhi:- Shopping Mall, Maal ki Gaadi, witnessed a strange case today after a woman shouted and charged a man with molestation charges.The woman complained that the Man was staring him since she entered the showroom and, as she was trained that every man was a pervert (THHARKI) and despo. She knew readily what this man/mannequin was capable of.

After the complaint, a ruckus was created inside the showroom. Before the sales Manager could come forward and explain,the lady pressed the Panic button on new app, "sahayta behan" and lodged a complaint with police. Hearing to all this media persons dashed on to the spot with the speed of light. As soon as the police approached and tried to investigate the matter by approaching the Convict.

It was found that the convict was a Mannequin (a statue), when woman was asked about it, she told press and police, that the mannequin is actually a Man trying to act like a Mannequin. It is not a mannequin but a real man. Listening to this police and media, all got confused and tried to rubbish of the case. But only after the dynamic intervention of  NCW(national commission agent of women), the police to lodge an FIR against the Man and confirmed to find a man to replace the mannequin.

Police has confirmed media of stern action and investigation.


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