Tiger Memon`s MERCY plea ACCEPTED

Citing this, a nationwide debate broke out. All the media houses are planning a debate with political parties spokerpersons in the studios. Keeping in view a mass un-rest, Delhi govt. said, that as the police is not in there control, it wont be possible to manage the crowd coming out on the streets of delhi. Even a few protestors were spotted outside parliament. But as the parliament session is not in progress due to internal political disruptions, No MP was found inside.

A few hours later national husband (rashtrapati) issued a statement to the press stating that, mercy plea was accepted on the pretext of SAVE TIGER Abhyaan of Govt., As President house is committed towards this campaign so, they decided to accept the plea and save the tiger. Also, Salman khan is feeling releaved that tiger`s name is not Black Buck.
DISCLAIMER:- This is a fake news. But i really wish, tiger gets caught and no mercy shall be awarded.
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