Over the controversy of the country`s whole and sole hope of Baba Ram Rahim SIngh Ji`s (ohh... i forgot to mention Insaan), anyhow i refer to him as MSG nowadays, he is not my friend or foe but that name is much more easier than Gurmit Ram Rahim Singh Insan Ji sirsa wale from dera sacha Sauda, I would like to suggest MSG to write a letter to SGPC and should thank them and other Sikh organisations working to stop the release of movie.
I would like to take the leverage of representing a small faction of youth here, who donates and puts money in the golaks, that is being mis-used in the name of religion. To me it doesnt matters if any Baba from any kind of Dera makes a movie and releases it, he is a citizen of this country and has a complete right to do this, without hurting anyones sentiments, but here, the movie is not even released, we dont know, what is has and still our ppl are making a fuss about it. So, i would like to request my fellow community ppl, not to put any money in golaks, as SGPC is not using it in a constructive way. Instead, if you want to really donate, donate it directly to the needy, buy them stuff they need and dont bring money into vicious circle.
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