Chak De! Dilli

Chak De! Dilli

Congratulations to Delhi for choosing a good CM, Am i announcing or predicting the results of New Delhi Elections, I am not an astrologer, i cant read the movement of stars, sun or any other extraterrestrial objects, Neither am i any kind of Baba (wish i was).

Than why this congratulation-al bugle. Actually, like every other individual, Delhi elections are more spicy, rather spicier, even more than Cricket world Cup or any soap. I just want to know about the results, whether it will be Arvind Ji or Kiran Ji. At least we can narrow down to these two.

Now here is something to congratulate the Delhi-ites, Be it Naxali Arvind Babu, or new gujarati-fied Kiran Ben. I find both of them to be an advent of new era of politics, where the peer pressure is to be assessed and politics of delivery has to be done. Even though face values are being more catered than the actual rational issues, but still kiran / arvind are much better than a few wrinkled and corrupt NETAS. At last we can also expect our so called Leaders to possess a good CV/ Bio Data/ past experience.

So, thats a well earned congratulations by Delhi people for forcing the leaders to bring in this change & pressurising the ancient parties to bring through this change in Delhi elections.
And Change is the only permanent thing, lets hope someone comes with super caliber, who can challenge this new era of politics, soon in the near future. Hopefully, than the country will be led to actual and Inclusive growth (including 75% of Rural population).


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