Actually, i was going through The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013. And i found out something that this law must have been written, compiled and discussed by some really prejudicially obssessed people and legislators. Pardon my language and dont hang me after this. But what i feel, i wrote. The simple reason for such dis-agreement is that, this act is similar to having a fixed quota for a particular category. In these laws/acts, a strict assumption is made to alleviate and to fix one community, one has to be snubbed, to pacify other

In this act, a simple assumption has been taken into account that, " All men are bastards". May be due to this assumption a law had to be designed to cushion the votebank of women by depriving the men of there rights to save there, at everyones service asses and it is being said, "jahanpanah tohfa kabool karvao".
There were hundred sub-sections which said that a women may or may not give a written complaint, she is entitled to get a monetary compensation from MAN`s salary and apart from regular leaves, she can take 3-months additional leave during the investigation of the filed case with the Local committee.

What kind of justice system is this, Where firstly a gender is taken into the consideration and than the offence is considered cognizabale or not.
Why are the laws being made in such a hurry to pacify one group of people and suppressing other group.
For me, a law made must be free and fair (practically impossible), but at least dont make them specifically for one gender over the other.

If you want to alleviate women, you must convince them that they are neither equal nor greater nor less in terms of law. Women are as much human being as much Men.
Things which are characeteristically similar can be compared and for a change, Men and Women are not things, so lets stop comparing each other . Our survival is in co-existence and not in seperation. We must understand that in this Tug of War, there is no rope in our hands, the one we see is just an illusion.
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