O My God! Its Friday, 05:20 PM and i am in office.  No No don't get me wrong, its not about Friday night party.
Instead, its something more substantial and concerned with comfort.
Actually, i need to catch a metro by 1715 else i will be in deep trouble.Almost all the offices call it a day at 1730. And if i by mistake co-incide with the same time. I wont even get the place to stand in a metro TRAIN. Yes i am serious and talking about a TRAIN. But believe me, i am in a city where it does makes sense. I am in Delhi or New Delhi, as they may call it. But to my horror i am already late.

Finally i manage to cover 2 km to reach metro station in around 27 minutes because of the craziest traffic in the world. I may take the liberty to say that it is not a straight road of 2kms, rather, it is a straight Round about of 2 kms.where anyone can come from any side. Traffic rules!!!...they are just a myth here.

At 1757, i press my feet on metro station and regular commuters would call it a suicidal time.

Anyways, i am entering the metro station and escalator is quite occupied but still i manage to occupy a little space in the side of a fat Punjabi lady with two shopping bags of her, after annoying her and making her to shift her bags a little.
Now i am on the first floor and there is a long queue for the security checkpoint. Why do we have a single Scanning machine for such a huge crowd where our bags are getting toppled and laptops are suffering the worst treatment, even the best quality tests can fail here.And yea I Hate terrorists. It is because of them we have to wait in a queue for another 17 mins.Its 1820hrs and finally i am through the security checkpoint and the formality of frisking through is done.

Now finally i reach the platform after climbing a few more stairs. There are many passengers standing on the platform to catch this modern train.
Lets see if i can get through this crowd.There used to be a security guard here whose job is to manage the queues for entering the train. But he seems to be absent at this critical time and i can smell a chaos as the train arrives on the station.And to my accurate calculations, train has arrived and people are planning to go amuck already. 

Now before the door opens, there are people who want to enter, there is another lobby of people inside the train who want to come out. Now the situation demands a little strategy here. And the strategy says PUSH each other, which ever lobby is stronger makes it through to the other side.And by gods grace i was just standing in between the crowd and by the sheer force i was pushed inside the train without even trying to do so.

After entering the train. i know i have stepped  my right foot on someone else`s foot. But that is OK because my left foot has already been bearing the weight of a heavy weight wrestler kind of a person standing by my side. And now my arrival point or station will come on the right side and i am on left side. So, i have to change the side.

For that i will have to claim back my feet and remove them from under that heavy weight and try to turn towards the right side. And while doing this i bravely take a 35degrees turn, this small turn makes the person standing on my right to turn left and finally as i make him mobile a little bit, i catch the moment and take a complete right turn making the person on my right to turn just by my force. Its as if a gear is making another gear to turn. Now thats a human gear assembly.Now i have turned right and facing the gate to exit.

After 13 mins of human gear assembly travel, i reach my destination by around 1840hrs, now i understood the meaning of the word destination. Finally with the strategic Push i am thrown out of the metro. I am feeling like the happiest man on earth and i truly am.Coming victoriously out of the metro station i can hear in my mind the invincible backgroud music going on.

So, a lesson for you all is that you dont need to have your travelling gear in delhi, you just need to behave like a gear.

I MADE IT FINALLY! Happy Weekend.


  1. Hi All, Apologies for the grammatical errors. Actually, i write it and post it directly, unedited. Just like the name Vent it out.


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