Delhi Mumbai AIR to be exported to USA

Enriched Pollution to Poor population
New Delhi: Our correspondent, Prakritik Aapda cracked a very confidential story in which it was found that a Few fraudulent travel agents (Authorised by Govt.) are going to export our own very powerful Air of Delhi and Mumbai to US. Due to the great constituents available in the Air of Delhi NCR, this Air will be used to make pesticides. Our commercially sale-able correspondent, Mr.Bikaoo, added to this by stating, that this Air export will help the US based companies by lowering down there costs remarkably, by using the Air of Delhi. As no chemicals will have to be purchased or developed by the companies. And this industry is really eyeing the Delhi Air.
When the correspondent Prakritik Aapda contacted the environment ministry of Delhi, they told us that the Central Govt. is playing this plot and trying to export the Air of Delhi to US under Make In India plan, and this is a big scam, under which Govt. of India is cheating the ppl of Delhi.
It is due to the honesty (patent of Delhi Govt.) of Delhi govt. that this Air is not yet allowed to export.
Health minister said, that ppl of Delhi have worked really hard to pollute this Air and are 
Delhi Ranks No.1 Globally. Yey! we are no.1
now habitual of this Air. If the Govt. of India takes this Air away, ppl of delhi might miss the ailments like Asthma, allergies, and breathlessness. which will make them very lazy and they will stop any kinds of hard work to breathe, which they are habitual of. Now our breathing system has become friendly with Nitrogen, Carbon, Sulphur etc. Ppl of delhi take these minerals as there family members. 
Amidst all this, Haryana govt. has offered a land to US companies in Gurgaon stating that govt. will provide subsidized land and contract with Mr.Vadra and other Land czars in Gurgaon, which will help them acquire any land they wish to, nearby Delhi. Also, govt. as usual, will not work on the cleaning of any air pollution. The companies will be a given a single window clearance system for the same.

To take the politics further on this, ppl of delhi will sit on dharna & organize a candle march, to bring awareness in Janta. The slogan for Dharna is being coined as
"Hawaa hamari, dawaa hamaari, jaan se pyaari".

DISCLAIMER:- The article is a satire. Not to be related with any politician Living or Dead.....Arrey Bhai likhne se darr nahi lagta...sedition se lagta hai......Pls dont scale, all the stupid characters are fictitious.....ignore them.


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