Sweet christmas


Day was 24th December 1986, What mom! that is so cheap.Stop doing that.
Ohh, sorry son, I thought, you might like it.

Same day , year 2016,  Its a beautiful christmas eve, and we are planning to spend it with family and today is the last day of year in office. Wow! they have called santa claus, i mean a person enacting as a santa claus. He is distributing sweets to everyone.
Everyone is rushing towards him and he is going to everyone`s place and greeting them, and is being greeted by everyone. Being a Santa he has to give away sweets as that is what we relate santa with, since our childhood. He is having a few chocolates and assorted sweets or toffees as i may call it.
And i being lucky one, got a small chocolate. It is such a jovial and happy atmosphere created by the Santa. Everyone is saying thanks to the santa and leaving the office by cheering and wishing each other. Many of us are keeping there chocolates and toffees safe in there pockets. May be like me everyone wants to share this sweet tiny gift with there kids.I took the chocolate and kept it safely in my bag as well.

As soon as I returned home to my son who was playing with his Playstation as usual.
He greeted me and i gave him the same chocolate which i saved from office.
He says "What Dad! that is so cheap.Stop doing that. You dont have to save such petty things. Dont be frugal". And that brought a smile to my face. Guess why?

Actually it took me 30 years to understand what my mom used to do. She never saved just that christmas chocolate for me, instead, she saved or wanted to save the joy of having it with me. I am not angry with my son, because that is developmental understanding which is bound to come on its own.

After meeting my son and learning a good lesson, i took that chocolate and gave it to my mother sitting inside the room and waiting for me.I gave it to her and told her "Mom, Merry christmas".


  1. Nice .... Sometimes it feels good to walk down the memory lane and appreciate your own article. :p


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