Ohh! Who is that idiot shouting. That is a father who is not able to digest the fact that his son is a gay.
I am still wondering why is he so annoyed, so baffled, that he is shouting. A moron, but his son is still not thinking that way. He still wants to convince his father that it is not his fault that he has this orientation. He is like this since his birth. He is another idiot too. I am giving a verdict on this, that makes me an idiot too three four........
But still i will place my opinion, oops, not opinion but verdict. Freedom of speech, LOLZ.
To the father:- Dear unfortunate father, its sad that your son is not living
his life your bloody way. That makes him such a sinner, compartmentalized, selfish individual.Your son, who lived his life scared and in a kind of hideout, created his own bubble world around him.He was scared that his family may not come to know about his orientation. He couldnt do what he liked, he couldnt commit what he liked. He just kept studying the way you wanted. Kept on going to temples the way you wanted, refrained from all the habits you didnt liked. But this bloody orientation was never in his control. He was like this the day he was born.Than he lied one day while going out to his college. He lied because he was scared of losing you, a magnificent parent, that is what this gay son thinks. He tried to take his life, but couldnt, again because of you. He loved you, loves you. He always cursed god for making him like this, but than he developed this habit of lying, just to make you happy. And today when he stood up against all odds to let you know that he wont marry a woman of your choice and told you about his sexual orientation, you thrashed him. Just imagine what is he thinking at present. He must be thinking, " i wish i could convince my parents, my family.....i wish", he must be cursing the god again convincing himself to be guilty of not having the choice of partner his parents wanted.

What kind of son could he be? i know the answer of that question, that would make him a good son, respecting his father, no matter what, he cherishes the fact, that you are his father. Please understand one fact that the problem is with you and not him. You need to understand the fact that your son is absolutely normal and has an able mind to understand and analyze anything like us.
To the Son:- I think you are an abnormal person.Abnormal, not because you are homosexual, instead it is because you are convinced that you are wrong even when you know that you arent. You are a human being who likes to have sexual relation with another human being of same sex. That is your case. Nothing more dramatic or sentimental to it. You are absolutely a normal man. Stop cursing yourself and being an idiot. If your parents dont understand that, that means, it is there mental block or fault and not yours. You respect them, that doesnt means you can control what god has destined for you. I am a heterosexual, that doesnt makes you inferior or superior to me. It is a just a social rule/perception. Your parents will understand, love is the best convincing feeling. But it has to be unconditional.

To myself the biggest idiot:- Stop giving verdicts.
To the God:- Why didnt you make everything same and identical. That would have been boring, But still, give it a thought Sir.
God`s reply:- Hi buddy, got your email. Wow! Earth is so beautiful, Live your life to the fullest, have fun guys..
And ya, see you SOON.
Hi Navjit,
ReplyDeleteRead ur post and trying to figure out why u name it IPC 377, while u had to share the experience of ur life , what ever u r looking at surrounding of u, u mentioned here. It would be be better if u name it that " My encounter with gay and his father"
Let me understand one more thing why u r being so judgemental about the view of onself. It is not ur matter of concern that what one man think.
Then now question arises y we are here and discussing all these thing. I tell u y , we are the part of socity so we have the responsibility to creat it. Any law which has been forcfully implemented to our socity , we have the right to judge that law whether it has right or wrong implication on our socity. we are not here to judge the pshycology to any one. Every one has a right to have his own idea of living which is based on his life experience. U have not mentioned anywhere the pain of father who lives in this socity. We can talk all this nonsense because we are not the part of it. One of my friend says " Bhagat Singh Tabhi Acha lagata hai jab woh doosre ke ghar main paida ho, apne ghar main nahi".
Now let's talk about law. Whether it is right or wrong. First of all let me clear one thing that we are not the authority to comment on this because if u r not agree with somthing and want to change then be a part of it.
So what Hon. High Court decision says that it is not a crime to choose ur sexsual orientation, I agree with that but what about those who rape man , who are the responsible for sodome like one minister from MP who use his power to sodomise his subordinate. If we do not make a law for these situations how we will handle it.
And what Hon Supreme court says "this is not our duty to make a law, this is the duty of legislature. We are here just to implement it so if u want to make a law; make it. We will just follow it." Now , How does legislature make a law. A bunch of fools sit together and make a law "No". They take the advise from the experts. And I believe when our constitution had been finalising after our independence we took the all good things from every where and every law was discuss in detail. So if we want to change it as per our pseudo wisdom. We would have to make a consensus. And what do u think it is very easy task in such country where people worship a stone. Think over it again.
So my dear friend there are lots of thing to write here but u know I have very less time so do it ur way and enjoy what r u doing :-)
Hi Mr.Anonymous,
DeleteThanks for your reply and your concerns bringing forward the idea.
I think you posted a lot of questions, a few of which i could figure out.
1). Heading:- I tried to create an analogy by taking a father, a son and a 3rd point of view, i.e. me. Now heading has been taken from current affairs topic i.e IPC377 which clearly demarcates or take away the liberty of homosexuals, if mis-interpreted. So, this article is kind of a rift being created between judgemental homosexuals and victimised heterosexuals. This rift is being tried to show in an analogous way.
2).Social structure:- Society is a big term and its rules must be generic and must apply to all the inhabitants who want to co-exist. So, if any law/rule is outcasting anyone, here in our case, the homosexuals are not hurting anyone but demanding there right to live. So society need not have a rule on controlling our choice and individualities.
Supreme Court`s Verdict:- I respect the constitution, but am a firm believer that rules are for people and people are not for rules. It is supreme courts duty not just to maintain a balance according to constitution but also according to the Article 21 of constitution i.e Right to live
Regarding the story which i painted:- That is analogous and a reality which we find in our neighborhoods. I might sound hypocritical, but i also might act as the father, if i was in his place, BUT that doesnt makes me right and my son wrong. Here i am trying to convince myself and make myself understand that everything is natural.(even the psychologist Sigmund Freud said the same thing, if that adds weight to what we say).
Bhagat Singh is good only till time he is not born in your house, thats true, but it is out of your control, and our hypocrisy can never control the nature and its decisions.