Don is a BITCH, Somnath Bharti Case

Brand New Delhi:- The case which was going rounds in the media since last few days. The case of Somnath Bharti and his wife Lipika Bharti, where there beloved dog was also charged with Domestic Violence has taken a new twist. This twist came in when Somnath`s bail was rejected and his Dog`s bail request was accepted. Actually a gender test was performed on Don (The famous Dog, more famous than Mr.Bharti these days). And the test results have left everyone in Shock and awe, as the Don, turned out to be a Donnie. Don was not a dog but a Bitch. And it was due to this reason Don, i mean donnie Ji was granted with the Bail at very first attempt. 
In fact a small wing of BMM (Bitch Mukti Morcha) came to bark and do dharna outside the court and demanded the acquittal of Don, i mean donnie. When Lipika, wife of Mr.Bharti, was approached by our correspondent Mr.Kutta Kaam, Lipika said, that she never mentioned Don in the filed case, instead she referred to Mr.Bharti when she wrote the word dog. As she believes like other women right organisations that"all men are dogs". 
Reacting to this all the Men said Bow bow!

Disclaimer:- This is a fake article, am writing this disclaimer for the one`s without common sense.

Opinion:- I strongly feel that the law should not be gender based and must be kept above all, caste, creed, color and gender.


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