The two sisters were being announced for bravery award at republic day, awards by hindu Mahasabha and so many.
They certainly are brave as they made mockery of entire system with just a video and raised questions and eyebrows of everyone including media, govt & public.
This super media trial has left a big question mark on every responsible media frenzy TRP hunters.
And govt`s obssession with media coverage. This has clearly shown that reality of such awards is so fragile and away from reality. If such normal jerky girls could use the soft corner for women, as there undue advantage, just imagine what would be happening in many other cases, which are highlighted by media without any prior research. These channels just want to be no.1, be it at any cost.

There career has been put at stake. Is it justified?, without any trial, there careers got jeopardized, due to the force of media and govt.`s IR-RESPONSIBLE behaviour. Moreover, the bus conductor and driver were suspended as well. Thats for pacifying the public.
And the assumptions taken during this episode:-
1). People sitting in the bus were cowards and didnt react to girls getting teased (media editors sitting in A/C offices, masala-fying this are real heroes and bravehearts, no action against them)

2). Girls always suffer and all men are misogynist (All men are dogs)
3). Boys were wrong because they were getting beaten
(boys looked strong build and cleared physical test, they could have easily beaten the girls, but they didnt, intentionally, saale larhki se maar kha gaye....huh!)
I wont end this write up, rather would leave it open ended, so that while watching other similar news, we should not have such prejudiced assumptions in mind and above all, the LAW and SYSTEM shall not be GENDER BIASED.
We cant have a better system by having a reserved seat in metro and buses, rather we should punish the guilty, irrespective of the gender. ....CONTD.
Check this video for Rohtak bravehearts:-
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