Black Money Interesting Facts - Funny

DE-MONETIZATION - Some Interesting Facts 8th Nov, 2016 a day which might become a question in the General knowledge books of future india, A Day when De-monetization, an economist technical jargon became a household term. An enthralling response was given to the announcement made by the Prime Minister, Mr.Modi on withdrawing the Legal Tender(uff!, what a term for money) of 500 and 1000 Rs. currency notes from the market. It was like so many Mango men ( Aam Aadmi - not the party) became happy that the rich, who stack the money in there houses, will have a money which will be useless. But as the days are passing by, the decision is loosing its sheen and an un-avoidable criticism is coming to the light. Regarding myself, i am not an economist, nor any kind of financial expert. So, i would not even try to guide, advice or suggest anything. But as an effect of this decision, i certainly noted some interesting facts, which i am going to enlist for you all:- 1). LENDER-BORROWE...